Causality: Causality Episode 33 Correction

20 February, 2020

In Episode 33 of Causality regarding the 737 Max, first released on the 31st of January, 2020, originally contained an incorrect number of combined fatalities between the two 737 Max crashes, originally reporting 338 when the correct number is 346. The show notes and episode audio have now all been corrected.

The discrepancy was a result of the accidental exclusion of the flight crew from one of the two flights in the total value.

We pride ourselves in attention to detail in the production of Causality and would like to apologise for the error.

If there are any factual errors in any of our episodes please let us know via the contact form. We greatly appreciate true fans of the show that have a similar level of attention to detail that we aspire to achieve consistently, with every episode we produce.

Many thanks to listener Sierra Blazer for bringing this to our attention.