Is This The Show?

Geeks talking about technology. Is this a show? A podcast hosted by Clay Daly, Vic Hudson, Ronnie Lutes, Scott Willsey & John Chidgey…but really only 2 or 3 of us at a time…

Premium supporters have access to high-quality, early released episodes with a full back-catalogues of previous episodes
Total Listening Time: 7 hours, 12 minutes and 21 seconds.

Latest Episode

The original Bubblesorters assemble to discuss the podcasting ad-polypse, 3D Photography and discuss Vic ripping up his deck while John is sweating to death in his sound booth. John also gets into trouble for spoiling a Doctor Who season finale from 11 months ago that Clay hadn’t watched yet.

With John Chidgey, Clay Daly and Vic Hudson.

Clay, Vic, and Scott start off light by talking about our impending human extinction. Then they move on to how to tell them apart, Clay’s Ratatouille, Scott’s new accidental cat, some Mac apps and Mac setup strategies, and finally, Vic’s latest obsession, GAMING! Then the podcast comes to an abrupt end at just over an hour and 20 minutes.

With Vic Hudson, Clay Daly and Scott Willsey.

Scott, Vic and John discuss John’s most ambitious and potentially crazy podcasting project: designing and building his own custom Sound Booth. We discuss what possessed him to do this, the materials and construction detail as well as whether he’s likely to found buried in that booth in the future.

With John Chidgey, Vic Hudson and Scott Willsey.

Scott, Ronnie and John discuss the various podcast creation tools they each use and have used in the past as well as Ronnie’s new Mac and some further discussion on the M2 Mac Pro.

With John Chidgey, Ronnie Lutes and Scott Willsey.

Scott, Clay and John assemble for the first time in one place to discuss everything from the social acceptability of VR headset usage to eyewear prescriptions, and a bunch of other stuff in between. We also try to determine whether this is the show or whether this is not, in fact, the show.

With John Chidgey, Clay Daly and Scott Willsey.