The Engineered Network: Twitter Account Shift to the Fediverse

27 January, 2023

In October 2013 coinciding with the launch of the first episode of Pragmatic, I created a show account @pragmaticshow on Twitter that would publish links to new episodes when they went live. Approximately 2 years later with the creation of The Engineered Network, I changed the name of the Twitter account to @Engineered_Net instead, which has remained ever since. At the time I wanted @EngNet however it was taken.

Last week Twitter continued on its mission to tighten all methods into and out of its website, taking aim now on the third-party API. My app of choice for many years now Tweetbot had it’s API access cut-off without warning by Twitter, followed by my previous favourite Twitterrific.

Whilst I have posted to the TEN Twitter account directly many times, the vast majority were auto-posts delivered via the Twitter API. Whether or not Twitter continues to cut-off use of its API to then retrospectively include auto-posters I’ve decided it doesn’t matter. I will leave on my my terms, not Twitters.

Therefore as of today, there will be no further posting on the @Engineered_Net Twitter account. If there are still those remaining what wish @-mention that account then I will occasionally check it, however due to message spam from the official Twitter account, I will not have notifications on so I may not respond quickly.

All Twitter clients have been removed from my devices and I will be accessing only via the website interface.

But…it’s not all doom and gloom! Quite the contrary! Last week I set up a new Fediverse account that will take the functional place of @Engineered_Net did on Twitter. You can now follow TEN POSTS ONLY here:

It’s the Twitter account…but on the Fediverse.

It’s a shame that it’s come to this, however as was pointed out in Medieval times and is still true today…all good things must come to an end. Bye Twitter.