Maybe you haven’t analysed it enough? Calculated Choices. Carefully Considered. Absolutely Analytical.
The concept of value has always struck me as odd. Let’s pull apart what it actually means, how human it is, and what actually matters when thinking about value.
John Chidgey.
Episode Gold Producers:
'r' and Steven Bridle.
Episode Silver Producers:
Mitch Biegler, Shane O'Neill, Lesley, Jared Roman, Joel Maher, Katharina Will, Chad Juehring, Dave Jones and Kellen Frodelius-Fujimoto.
Meetings can be valuable, but they can also be a huge waste of time. What kind of meetings will you hold?
John Chidgey.
There never seems to be enough time to get through everything that needs to be done. Or is there actually enough time and you’re just looking at it wrong?
John Chidgey.
Getting perspective is one of those ideas that takes something quite complicated and condenses it into a singular expression. Let’s unpack that and get some perspective on getting perspective.
John Chidgey.
What is downtime really? And just as importantly how about downspace?
John Chidgey.
Constraints foster creativity apparently. Let’s explore how if that’s actually true and if the concept can help us.
John Chidgey.