Sleep 14: Apple II Mouse

1 August, 2021


Rodent Technology for the II. A Hardware Evaluation, from the July 1984 edition of the Creative Computing Magazine.

Transcript available
[Music] Helping you fall asleep. I'm John Chidjie. You can follow me on the Fetaverse at [email protected], on Twitter at JohnChidjie or one word, or the network at engineered_net. Sleep is supported by you, our listeners. If you'd like to support the show, you can do so via Apple Podcasts or via Patreon or by streaming Satoshis. With a special thank you to all of our Patrons and to our Silver Producers Mitch Bilger, John Whitlow, Kevin Koch, Oliver Steele, Lesley Law Chan, Hafthor, Shane O'Neill, Bill and Anonymous. And an extra special thank you to both of our Gold Producers Stephen Bridle and our producer known only as R. Visit to learn how you can help. Thank you. So now that that's out of the way, let me talk to you. Just for a few minutes. Creative Computing Magazine, July 1984. Apple II mouse. Hardware evaluation. Steve Arantz. Apple owners who have taken a test drive with the Lisa or Macintosh are impressed by these new machines. They are sleek, powerful and fun. But let's face it, most of us are not going to rush out and buy these expensive and powerful machines based only on a short test. We have a large investment in both time and money tied up in our Apple IIs. Still, after using a Macintosh, you begin to see the usefulness of the mouse. For control of text in MacWrite, image creation and manipulation in MacPaint and in other programs, the mouse makes many things easier to do. Say cheese! Now there is a mouse for the Apple II series. It is the same mouse that Lisa and Mac use. A small cigarette pack size box topped by a big grey button. On the bottom, it has a small rubberised ball held by a locking ring. When the mouse is placed on the tabletop, the ball is held against a set of motion detectors that convert your hand movements into signals that the computer can process. As an analogy, think of a trackball controller on your favourite arcade game. The mouse is a more refined version of this game controller, turned upside down. Instead of using the cursor keys and a control key sequence, you use the mouse to move a pointer across the screen to an icon or verbal menu selection. Action is initiated when you depress the button. Included in the package is MousePaint, software written by Bill Budge. A full featured graphics package that is as close to MacPaint as many Apple II owners will get, and it has one feature that will make Mac owners jealous. Color. Training the mouse. The Mouse Paint software is a freehand graphics program which incorporates different tools to convert mouse movements into patterns, shapes, brush, strokes, lines and curves. To select a tool, drag the pointer to the left-hand side of the screen. Place the pointer over a tool, click the mouse, and you are ready to take action. The hand icon is used to pull more of the page into view. Since the space you see on your monitor is only part of the total sketchpad, the pencil lets you make freehand drawings on the sketchpad. The spray helps you shade your picture. The brush paints a swath of black in different widths on the screen. A straight edge draws straight lines at any angle in various widths and patterns. If you make a mistake, the eraser quickly wipes clean any part of your drawing. Five pairs of shape symbols are also available. Rectangle, rectangle with rounded corners, oval circle, free form, and polygon. You may choose an outline shape or its solid form. Colors and patterns are selected from the bar at the bottom of the screen. Move the pointer over your selection and click the mouse to select one. The editor box can be dragged or rubber banded across the screen, letting you copy, invert, flip or cut and paste graphics. Cut text is moved into a buffer and can be placed anywhere in the picture you are working on or onto another picture. Rubberbanding makes the drawing of lines and shapes very easy. Click a shape icon, such as a rectangle, circle, freestyle, or polygon, and move the mouse back to the drawing page. Click the mouse and drag it across the screen. As it moves, the shape is continually drawn, erased, and redrawn until you are satisfied and the mouse button is clicked again. The shape is always true, i.e., The sides of a square are always even and in proportion. Depending on how you 'rubber band', a circle might be an oval, a flat disc, or a perfect circle. Unlike other graphics programs, the background underneath an image isn't erased or changed, it is always there. Selecting 'Undo' from the Edit menu erases the last drawn shape and restores what was behind it. Flat Bits is a magnified mode that blows up the portion of the page occupying the upper left of the screen, allowing editing of fine details. You use the pencil icon to turn on or off different blocks in the picture. Five fonts, Toronto, New York, Athens, Venice and System Font are used to place text anywhere on the screen. Select a font from the menu, click the text icon (a large letter A) and move the cursor to the point where the text should begin. All keyboard characters are available, including delete. Mouse Paint is one of the easiest and most responsive graphics packages I have ever used. It does have three drawbacks however. The pencil and paintbrush icons draw only with black or white ink. Colours aren't allowed. Second, you can't undo only the last command, you can't do a series of undo's to erase successive steps. And finally, the clipboard holds just one cut image at a time. These may be minor points to you, however. I found it both enjoyable and instructive to work around those limitations. Windows. Like the Mac and Lisa, MousePaint features overlapping menus and windows. One gives information about MousePaint, another lets you set the size and type of brush, and the third shows a miniature view of what the page will look like when printed on the Apple Image Writer printer. The final window is used to select a font. The menus follow the Mac/Lisa scheme. At the top of the screen is a bar with the names of different menus, File, Edit, Aids and Font. Point to one, press the mouse button and the menu slides down onto the screen. Moving the pointer to a menu option activates it. When the mouse button is released, the menu disappears. Mouse Technicalities The Apple II mouse includes a 5-chip interface card with its own 6502 microprocessor and ROM routines which make the mouse a good deal more responsive than any game controller. The dedicated 6502 frees the Apple's CPU for other tasks and speeds mouse operations. The Apple II mouse may be installed in any slot, though slot 4 is recommended. Because you use the mouse by moving it around the tabletop, you will need to set up a clean working area. The workspace should be next to your Apple and about one foot square. That's 30 centimetres. Software and documentation. In addition to the mouse paint program, a short tutorial on how to move and use the mouse is included on disk. I wish that Apple had included some sample graphics, perhaps the same graphic in different stages of completion. Disk space might have been a problem though. You can save only one picture on the MousePaint Master. MousePaint files can be saved on any ProDOS formatted disk, and the Master is unprotected. The documentation is a 56 page booklet that explains how to clean the mouse, what the various icons mean, hints on easier shape drawing and how to write mouse programs. It is written in Apple's usual style, understandable, readable and very friendly. Survival of the fittest. Can the Apple II mouse make it? Is mouse technology the way the future will be? Or is it just a novelty? Sure, mouse paint is fun to play with, but what else can you do with it? First, the mouse works. It is responsive, fast and transparent, i.e. you get used to it quickly. Using the mouse with mouse paint makes me want to use it in conjunction with other programs, such as Apple Works. That leads us to a sensitive question. Will there be software that can use the mouse? We hear that Bill Budge is at work on more software for the mouse, including a graphics toolkit and other goodies that will help make the Apple II look like a Macintosh. And we won't have to wait long for a mouse-based pinball construction set. Other developers are working on converting existing software for use with mice. The Electronic Arts Personal Productivity line will use the mouse, as will the Graphics series from Penguin Software. Not every program will benefit from mouse technology however. Where keyboard use is vital, a mouse interface is a luxury. Other than the conversion of existing software, what does the future hold? Are there any applications that are perfect for a mouse interface? One potentially intriguing area is in communication for the motor-impaired. One system of communication called "bliss symbolics" uses iconic representations of different actions and words. A hand pointer is moved across the board, and the symbols are read and interpreted by another person. A mouse is just a pointer, with a speech synthesizer, intelligent software, and the Apple II mouse. The disabled would be able to better communicate with the world. The software could "collect the symbols" and "print or speak complete sentences". The relative low cost and ease of use of an Apple II makes such a system practical. The real test of the mouse will be on the Macintosh or the Lisa. Those systems demand a mouse interface. The Apple II will be the "proving ground". If intelligent software is written, and if the $149 price tag isn't seen as too high, the Apple II mouse should have a long, prosperous life.
Duration 12 minutes and 36 seconds Direct Download

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Episode Gold Producers: 'r' and Steven Bridle.
Episode Silver Producers: Mitch Biegler, John Whitlow, Shane O'Neill, Kevin Koch, Oliver Steele, Lesley Law Chan, Hafthor and Bill.
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John Chidgey

John Chidgey

John is an Electrical, Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineer, software developer, podcaster, vocal actor and runs TechDistortion and the Engineered Network. John is a Chartered Professional Engineer in both Electrical Engineering and Information, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering (ITEE) and a semi-regular conference speaker.

John has produced and appeared on many podcasts including Pragmatic and Causality and is available for hire for Vocal Acting or advertising. He has experience and interest in HMI Design, Alarm Management, Cyber-security and Root Cause Analysis.

Described as the David Attenborough of disasters, and a Dreamy Narrator with Great Pipes by the Podfather Adam Curry.

You can find him on the Fediverse and on Twitter.